Electromagnetic radiation is changed by the atmosphere, but reflectance (the bulk of satellite imaging for mapping) depends greatly on the spectral signature of the material reflecting the incoming radiation.
Resources for spectral signatures
- Compare satellite bands and material spectra. Launch viewer here
https://landsat.usgs.gov/spectral-characteristics-viewer - Here’s a site with a spectral comparison of some satellites and some earth materials
http://www.physics.nus.edu.sg/~crisp/cd2001/tutorial/optical.htm -
spectral plots of minerals ( tons! ) and many landcovers (at the bottom of the list)
like these two likely soils constituents and land covershematite
Rangeland (here)
Example Use of Specctra: Using TM to map Geology in Utah (http://rst.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sect13/Sect13_4.html) well… that NASA link is broken…so these guys mirrored it (? http://geoinfo.amu.edu.pl/wpk/rst/rst/Sect2/Sect2_1.html)
Let’s poke around in Lexington. Go here, choose the Landsat Explorer app
- grass
- pavement or buildings
- water (silty vs clear?)
- pine
- deciduous (summer vs winter?)
- pastures (summer vs winter?)
- bare soil
Then change the time of year! Leaf on? Leaf off? How about a desert? What do we see there?
Where else are you curious about “multispectral” (multiband) reflectance? Let’s go there!