UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)
Computers eat it for breakfast because it reads like Cartesian coordinates.

 from http://geokov.com/education/utm.aspx

Grid zones are 6 degrees wide with a central meridian
They start at 180° west (?or east) of Greenwich and increase in number going east.  In Lexington, we’re in  UTM grid zone 17, which has 81°W as the central meridian.
US Grid Zones and World Grid zones

Usually, only one grid zone used in a map, even for areas near the boundary of a grid zone. But see the orthophoto map called “NC_Cape_Fear…..” from North Carolina in the sharedwork/demo folder in box; the projection of the map is Lambert conformal conic, but it has two UTM grid zones printed on it.

ArcGIS Pro: For UTM / Geographic comparison,

  • See the projections_and_datums layout from the Demo\intro\introPro project
  • make a new map (in a new tab)
  • copy the “Lex_quad.tif” from the existing layout and paste it into your new map. The map will automatically take the projection of the first layer you add.
  • Change the map projection from one grid zone to another (e.g., zone 17 to zone 18, then to zone 10 !). Note that the data stays in its coordinate system, but it is projected on the fly into some other coordinate system.