What to Open Today?

Monday March 25

    • Open the satellite demo project
    • quizzes will be returned Wed;
      they “aged” on my desk over the weekend…..

Wednesday March 20

    • Copy the  lidar folder from
      R:\courses\EEG260-GIS\sharedwork\demo folder
      to your demo folder on Box or P
    • open the project in it

Friday March 15 

    • Quiz 8 first
    • Copy the  satellite-demo folder from
      R:\courses\EEG260-GIS\sharedwork\demo folder
      to your demo folder on Box or P

Wednesday March 13 (lab)

    • Choose one or two more people to work with
    • Copy the  folder containing necessary new data
      to your working folder
      I DO NOT recommend box any more. Use P for a solo project, or make a new folder for GIS in your own folder in Q:\students
    • Create a new project in that folder.

Wednesday March 13

    • open this excel file (a replacement for the messed xlsx file in the demo folder)
    • open the fuzzy project
    • might be a good idea to save that excel file to the fuzzy demo folder if you want to refer to it for the next project.

Friday March 8

    • quiz first
    • open the patch project
    • copy the dig_trial & fuzzy folders from
      to your demo folder

Wednesday March 6  (lab)

Make a new folder in box or on P to house your exercise for this week. Copy the following from Box\2024GIS\2024GIS_sharedwork\exercises\exercise5 to that new folder

    • the lab report template (docx)
    • the Bolstad lab 3 instructions (pdf)
    • digitize folder
    • BolstadLab3 folder
    • do not copy the “geo_maps” folder…you only need one specific file from it.

Instructions are on the exercise page.

Wednesday March 6  (class)

    • open the shape project
    • copy the distribution and patch folders from
      to your demo folder

Monday March 4

    • welcome back!
    • remember project two is due by lab time on Wednesday
    • Dave will miss his office hours on Wednesday 11-12 due to a meeting
    • copy the shape folder from
      to your demo folder
    • open the project in the demo surface_trend folder you copied before break.
    • questions about project 2?

Friday Feb 23

    • quiz first
    • copy the folders clumps and surface_trend from
      to your demo folder
    • open the project in the filter folder first so we can finish that up.

Wednesday Feb 21 (class)

    • copy the filter folder from
      to your demo folder

Monday Feb 19

    • copy the proximity  and density folders from
    • open the proximity project first

Friday Feb 16

    • quiz first
    • open your demo\ buffer project

Wednesday Feb 14

    • not too soon to start thinking about the final project…. what floats your boat?
      • SELC just announced another pipeline project filed at FERC.  What kind of GIS do you think they’ll do? What would you map if you wanted to stop the expanding use of methane?
      • A friend of mine thinks we need to map solar power use and availability across Virginia (to optimize transmission and storage), because there’s too much good farmland at stake.
    • copy the friction folder from
      we’ll look at that next, so……
    • open the buffer project in your demo\buffer folder

Monday Feb 12

    • Quiz first
    • copy the buffer folder from
    • then open the “topo_updated” demo project

Friday Feb 9

    • no class, Mock Con

Wednesday Feb 7 (lab)

    • A bit of preamble first….to continue from this morning.
      so copy the folder watershed from \Box\2024GIS\2024GIS_sharedwork\demo
      to your demo folder and open the project watershed_project
    • Copy exercise3 folder to your 2024GIS/exercises folder
    • See the exercises page to start

Wednesday Feb 7 (class)

    • Copy topo_data_updated.aprx from \Box\2024GIS\2024GIS_sharedwork\demo\topo\”
      to your demo/topo folder and open it.
    • Connections to datasets were broken in the original, and may still be! Let me know.

Monday Feb 5

    • Case study presentations ((Friday’s group)
    • copy “topo” folder from box\2024GIS_sharedwork\demo
      to your demo folder
    • looking ahead….Mock Con on Friday no class. Quiz will be Monday.

Friday Feb 2

    • quiz first–have questions?
    • Then case study presentations (Wednesday’s action)
    • copy “inverse” folder from box\2024GIS_sharedwork\demo
      to your folder

Friday Jan 26

    • quiz first–have questions?
    • then open the overlay24 demo project

Wednesday Jan 24 – for lab

    • Copy the exercise2 folder from box\2024GIS_sharedwork\exercises folder to your own exercises folder
    • See the exercises page please
    • I am going to give you some tips about selecting by attributes because you’ll need that in lab. Before starting the exercises, open the demo/IntroPro project from your demo folder.

Wednesday Jan 24 – for class

    • Copy the overlay24 project from box\2024GIS_sharedwork\demo
      to your own demo folder
    • open the overlay24 project in it

Monday Jan 22

    • open the IntroPro project

Wed Jan 17 (for lab)

    • login to box drive
    • copy the folder
      to your folder
    • note the data folder, the instructions for part one of the lab today, and the “report” template called “yourname…”
    • start ArcGIS Pro but don’t move past the splash screen.

Wed Jan 17 (for class)

  • login to box drive (on the desktop–every day, first thing 🙂
  • if you haven’t done so yet
    • find your 2024GIS_yourname box folder (either using windows explorer or using the box web page….see instructions below from the first day)
    • create a “demo” folder within that box folder
    • go to the 2024GIS_sharedwork folder
    • find and copy the introPro folder from the sharedwork/demo folder to your own demo folder
      (see the first day instructions below on different methods to copy and paste folders from windows and the box web page)
  • from within that folder open the introPro.aprx ArcGIS project
  • make sure that you know you ESRI login and password (you should have gotten an email with instructions before the first class).

Mon Jan 15

Friday January 12, 2024
Welcome to GIS and Remote Sensing !

If we’re going to do a demonstration in class or work in lab that requires you to copy files,  I will put instructions here. Copying needs to be done before we start class. Usually takes less than a minute or two. Please check here before every class.

We will be using Box (and especially, Box Drive) to store GIS files this winter (new in 2024…….fingers crossed)

Here’s what you need to do

  1. Each day when you arrive at class, click the” log in to Box Drive” icon on the desktop
  2. Copy the files you need from 204GIS_sharedwork folder to your own 2024GIS_studentx folder
  3. Today, you are going to copy the entire folder called
    into a folder of the same name in your box folder

    1. in your 2024GIS_sharedwork folder, create these new folders
      1. demo – for work you do during the class periods
      2. exercise – for tutorial and exercise work in lab and on your own
      3. projects – for the four open-ended assignments
      4. downloads – for temporary storage of GIS data downloaded from the web, and usually unzipped to somewhere else
        (NOTE: no spaces in any names of files or folders, EVER)
    2. copy the first demo folder called “introPro” from
      “…box/2024GIS_sharedwork/demo” to your newly created “demo” folder.
      You have three ways to do that, from easiest to most complicated.

      1. using windows explorer 
        1. navigate to the “…box/2024GIS_sharedwork/demo” folder
        2. right click on the “introPro” folder, choose copy
        3. navigate to your 2024GIS_studentx/demo” folder and right click & choose “paste”
      2.  download from Box web page
        1. from the box.wlu.edu web page, navigate to
        2. use the download option to save it to the local drive (desktop or downloads)
        3. When you’re done with the project, save it, close it and copy the entire folder to your 2024GIS_studentx/demo folder
      3. Copy using Box Web Page
        1. navigate to the “…box/2024GIS_sharedwork/demo” folder
        2. using the three dots, choose “move or copy”
        3. copy it to your 2024GIS_studentx/demo folder

You have three options for using ArcGIS Pro this semester

  1. install it on your PC (sorry, Mac users).
    1. We are using version 3.1.1, not the latest version.
    2. the install files can be found in 2024GIS_sharedwork
    3. download these to your laptop
    4. install the program first (the .exe file) and then the patch (.msp file)
    5. delete the install files (one is huge).
  2. use it in a computer lab at W&L, Geology, Parmly, library, etc
  3. you can use it on a remote desktop (either Mac or PC from off campus)
    1. BEFORE you do that, install “Citrix Workspace” by going here
    2. download it
    3. then open a connection to myvi.wlu.edu
    4. NOTE: if you already have used myVI, then you might have “citrix receiver” installed ( the default program). It works, but not quite as well.

obsolete info….saving just in case Box is a nighmare……
EEG shared drive (geodata)

Volume information: EEG has access to several volumes on a data server called \\geodata. In some labs, they have already been assigned drive letters (like C:\ or H:\ are mapped to specific places). All members of this class and EEG majors should have permission to use \\geodata.
– \\geodata\vol0 has folders that can be used by a single student and the geology professors. Students cannot open, write or edit files in other student folders. This is where you’ll store the GIS work for this class. It is mapped to the P:\ drive in the EEG computer lab. Use vol1 (below) for group work.
– \\geodata\vol1 is for temporarily storing large files used in classes and research. Students have read/write permission and should put their data in the \Students folder in a folder named using your login name. It is mapped to the Q:\ drive in the EEG lab and perhaps Parmly. Do not store copyrighted material such as movies or music on this drive. Be careful please, you can destroy or move other people’s work!
– \\geodata\vol2 is for permanent storage of spatial data. Students only have read rights. It is mapped to the R:\ drive on Geology computers.

PC Users or myVI. If you want to map the drives, click the “map geology drives” link in the menu Download and unzip a .bat file that assigns the server volumes to letters P, Q and R.  If you’d always like to do that from any computer quickly, I recommend saving that file (right click on it). If you log in to myvi.wlu.edu, and run this bat file there, the \\geodata drives should remain mapped for your myvi login.